What is school chaplaincy
School chaplains, through their various programs and activities, work with children, young people and their families to promote wellbeing, through social, emotional and spiritual support.
The benefits from the activities of school chaplaincy:
- children and young people gain social, emotional and spiritual skills;
- families become increasingly cohesive, harmonious, secure and stable;
- children and young people develop positive friendships and peer groups, as well as positive relationships with other adults;
- schools become more responsive to the needs of all their members, particularly those who are at-risk of disengaging from education;
- communities become better connected and better resourced;
- children and young people make the most of the networks and activities available to them.
The follow-on benefits come as these developments lead to improved life outcomes in such areas as health, wellbeing, educational attainment, employment opportunities, socio-economic advancement, social capital and social inclusion.